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Completed Projects

4th Amendment Protections for University Dorms
Texas v. Rodriguez, 521 S.W.3d 1, (2017). This case ensured that the 4th Amendment was properly applied to dormitory and student housing.  The case made Texas the 29th state to apply the 4th Amendment to dormitories.


Texas v.  J.A.  - Falsely Accused
The team proved the innocence of a man falsely jailed for over 900 days. The team discovered exculpatory evidence, including documents and DNA, that had been withheld for over a year.


Rosebud Court of Record
The court had a back-log of over 3000 cases, including jury trials.  In addition, the court lacked formal procedures and documentation.  The team overhauled the court.  Reinstituted procedures and standing orders. Over the next couple of years, the team revolutionized the court with online hearings, automated systems, and a youth injury prevention program.


Reicher Catholic High School, Waco, Texas


The high school underwent a complete renovation including the first WiFi system installed in an educational facility in Waco.  The project included renovation of the school building, construction of a new field house, construction of the Deering Center, and regeneration of the athletic fields.


Mid-Tex American Red Cross


Under Mr. Wright’s leadership, the organization went from nearly insolvent to increase fundraising by a factor of 400%.  The organization was appointed as the State Disaster Training Lead for Texas.


Family Abuse Center – Meyer Center, Waco, Texas


(Photo not available due to security.)


Mr. Wright helped the Family Abuse Center design and fund the transformation of the region’s domestic violence shelter.  The project converted a cold and hostile correctional facility into a warm home for people seeking safety from family violence.


Scott & White Healthcare Foundation


Mr. Wright joined the Scott & White Foundation has a grant writer and was promoted until he reached Interim CEO and President of the Foundation.  He served a Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations as well as Vice-President for Operations & Finance.  During his tenure, he developed a regionally responsive development operation and raised funds across the State of Texas for the following projects:

  • McLane Children’s Hospital

  • Hillcrest Baptist Medical Center

  • Scott & White – Marble Falls Hospital and Clinic

  • Scott & White – Brenham

  • Scott & White Bone and Join Institute

  • Scott & White Center for Advanced Medicine

  • Scott & White – College Station

  • Scott & White – Cancer Center

  • Scott & White – Hillcrest Cancer Center

  • Scott & White Cancer Research Institute


Town Square Community Foundation


After moving to rural Central Texas, Mr. Wright discovered that the rural areas of Central Texas were not served by a local community foundation.  Following the discovery, he founded a grassroots community foundation designed to create philanthropic resources for rural Central Texas. The foundation started with an initial donation of $250 and has raised close to $250,000.





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